
wooden ice cream stick making Machine for Turkey Customer

Wooden ice cream stick making production line
wooden ice cream stick making machine (top one quality)
wooden tongue depressor stick making machine (projects)
Wooden coffee stirring making machine
wooden spoon, fork, knife making projects 

BRASIL, IRAN, TURKEY, and many other countries.
www.bestachina.com www.bestamachine.com

How to make high quality wooden ice cream stick, (stirring stick)

From Turkey Wood?

Wooden ice cream stick production line (export to Turkey Customer)
It is our deserved reputation that stands out from many suppliers. We have first class machines and services, and technical support.
Thank you for your trust and support from Turkish customers. Thank you for your long-term vision and cooperation with our company.
I hope that our high quality machines and high quality services can bring a rich experience to your company.
income. Bless your factory to get better and better.

This production line is consisted by the following machines
This line is for making 114/93mm ice cream sticks. 

Key Machines
1. L520B Wood Rotary Cutting Machine 
2. CCM-003C Carved Cutting Machine 
3. PG-6-L3 Polishing Machine (drying)
4. BSM-010 Blade Grinding Machine (Magnetism type)

Other machines you may need 
1. LS-114  Stick Order Arranging Machine
2. FX-001C  Stick Quality Control Machine
3. MQ-01S Chamfering Machine 
4. MGCC-6 Dust removing and stick further polishing machine 
5. LS-1S Ice cream stick branding machine (logo printing)
6. BDK-114V Bundling Machine

Auxiliary equipment Machine
1. HX-5 Heat Exchanger 
2. DF-15 Draught Fan 
3. Steam Boiler/Gas Boiler 
4. Fully automatic wood cutting machine (suggested)
5. MDJ-03Carved Cutting Blade Sharpening Machine 
6. MDJ-04 Small Grinding Machine

7. PM-210 White based board Planing Machine

Who is the best machine supplier for wooden ice cream stick production line

China's best producer and exporter of ice cream bar equipment - BESTA MACHINE
Who buys the ice cream bar equipment, who is the best producer and service provider? - Of course it is BESTA MACHINE!
Every year, our rotary cutting machine sales volume is: 80 units / year
The sales volume of the punching machine is: 200 units/year
Our equipment is in short supply.
For the whole of China and the world, the quality of our company's equipment and products is very much affected.
The customers who have established the factory are very satisfied with our equipment.
In Pakistan, we have important customers located in GULBERN TOWN, KARACHI.
This customer is very visionary and chooses our BESTA MACHINE brand of equipment.
Our machines are spread all over the world: Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam,
Turkey, Colombia, Brazil and other countries.
We are not only experts in the equipment industry, but also how to make qualified
Products, (ice cream bars, tongue depressors, coffee bars, ice spoons, cutlery, etc.), have their own set
Mature and complete production process, for after-sales service, we also have professional help customers
A master who went abroad to install. If you are the first to start this product, please contact us to find out
Detailed machine information and quotations and questions you care about, we will be happy to help you.
Welcome you and our partners to visit our company. We don’t just do our own equipment, we also
We have been engaged in the production of wood ice cream bar related products for more than 20 years and have rich experience. We are willing to work with you.
Establish a factory.
(Welcome to contact us. Email: info@bestachina.com
Angelzhou1224@gmail.com angelzhou1224@foxmail.com
Whatsapp: 0086 186 5710 6860 , Working time: 9:00 am to 19:00, Contact Person: Angel Zhou
China time)

How to make wooden ice cream stick from Egypt Wood?

How to make wooden ice cream stick from Egypt Wood?
Wooden ice cream stick production from Egypt Wood. 
We have done the testing of Egyptian Wood before.
We have done the wood testing from Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Iran and Turkey,Bangladesh, Colombia wood etc. 
and many other countries. 
If you wish to set up wooden ice cream stick production line,
welcome to contact us.
Email: info@bestachina.com  angelzhou1224@gmail.com
Whatsapp: 0086 186 5710 6860 (Angel Zhou)
Machine Brand: BESTA MACHINE 

Wooden ice cream stick machine, wooden spoon machine exported to Turkey

BESTA MACHINE- www.bestamachine.com CE certified
Your best partner for ice cream stick making projects.
Our Wooden ice cream stick making machine, wooden
Spoon, fork, knife making machine, tongue depressor stick
Making machine, coffee stirring stick making machine,
Has been exported to many countries, Turkey, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Uzbekistan,
Russia, Vietnam, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, and other countries.
Helping each customer to succeed and realize value is our eternal pursuit.
Our equipment is very advanced and maintains continuous quality improvement and technology updates. For now, no company can compare with our machine quality and after-sales service.
Our foreign projects are very successful.
We have professional engineers, we have more than 20 years of experience in the production of ice cream bar products, you can go abroad to guide everyone how to build a factory, for your employees
Provide training to help you master the production technology of ice cream bars.
If you want to know more information, please feel free to contact us.
Email: info@bestachina.com   angelzhou1224@gmail.com
Whatsapp: 0086 186 5710 6860
Wechat ID: ilikechanging
Www.bestachina.com www.bestamachine.com



BESTA MAKİNE- www.bestamachine.com CE sertifikalı

Dondurma çubuğu yapımı projeleri için en iyi ortağınız.

Bizim Ahşap dondurma çubuğu yapma makinesi, ahşap
Kaşık, çatal, bıçak yapma makinesi, dil depressor sopa
Yapma makinesi, kahve karıştırma çubuğu makinesi,
Türkiye, Mısır, Hindistan, Endonezya, Özbekistan gibi birçok ülkeye ihraç edilmiştir.
Rusya, Vietnam, Meksika, Kolombiya, Brezilya ve diğer ülkeler.
Her müşterinin değer kazanması ve gerçekleştirmesi için yardım etmek ebedi arayışımızdır.
Ekipmanlarımız çok gelişmiş ve sürekli kalite iyileştirme ve teknoloji güncellemelerini sürdürüyor. Şimdilik hiçbir firma makine kalitemizle ve satış sonrası servisimizle kıyaslayamaz.
Yabancı projelerimiz çok başarılı.
Biz profesyonel mühendisler var, biz dondurma bar ürünleri üretiminde 20 yıldan fazla deneyime sahip, çalışanlarınız için bir fabrika inşa etmek, nasıl herkese rehberlik için yurtdışına gidebilirsiniz
Dondurma çubuklarının üretim teknolojisinde uzman olmanıza yardımcı olacak eğitim sağlayın.
Daha fazla bilgi edinmek istiyorsanız, lütfen bizimle iletişime geçmekten çekinmeyin.
E-posta: info@bestachina.com angelzhou1224@gmail.com
Whatsapp: 0086 186 5710 6860
Wechat ID: ilikechanging
Www.bestachina.com www.bestamachine.com


BESTA MACHINE- www.bestamachine.com CE certified
Your best partner for ice cream stick making projects.
Our Wooden ice cream stick making machine, wooden
Spoon, fork, knife making machine, tongue depressor stick
Making machine, coffee stirring stick making machine,
Has been exported to many countries, Turkey, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Uzbekistan,
Russia, Vietnam, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, and other countries.
Helping each customer to succeed and realize value is our eternal pursuit.
Our equipment is very advanced and maintains continuous quality improvement and technology updates. For now, no company can compare with our machine quality and after-sales service.
Our foreign projects are very successful.
We have professional engineers, we have more than 20 years of experience in the production of ice cream bar products, you can go abroad to guide everyone how to build a factory, for your employees
Provide training to help you master the production technology of ice cream bars.
If you want to know more information, please feel free to contact us.
Email: info@bestachina.com angelzhou1224@gmail.com
Whatsapp: 0086 186 5710 6860
Wechat ID: ilikechanging
Www.bestachina.com www.bestamachine.com


BESTA MACHINE- www.bestamachine.com CE certified
Your best partner for ice cream stick making projects.
Our Wooden ice cream stick making machine, wooden
Spoon, fork, knife making machine, tongue depressor stick
Making machine, coffee stirring stick making machine,
Has been exported to many countries, Turkey, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Uzbekistan,
Russia, Vietnam, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, and other countries.
Helping each customer to succeed and realize value is our eternal pursuit.
Our equipment is very advanced and maintains continuous quality improvement and technology updates. For now, no company can compare with our machine quality and after-sales service.
Our foreign projects are very successful.
We have professional engineers, we have more than 20 years of experience in the production of ice cream bar products, you can go abroad to guide everyone how to build a factory, for your employees
Provide training to help you master the production technology of ice cream bars.
If you want to know more information, please feel free to contact us.
Email: info@bestachina.com angelzhou1224@gmail.com
Whatsapp: 0086 186 5710 6860
Wechat ID: ilikechanging
Www.bestachina.com www.bestamachine.com



Podemos proporcionar no solo de el equipo de Procesamiento de barras de helado Más avanzado del mundo, también Sino el diseño relacionado de la planta, las Recomendaciones de Cantidad de equipo, el diseño del equipo, El Proceso de cocción de la Madera y Los Servicios de Capacitación posteriores. TENEMOS Una Fábrica, Una Fábrica Que producir equipos y Una El producto se fabrica barras de helado. Utilizamos Nuestro propio equipo y tecnología para producir barras de helado, helados y Otros Productos. La Calidad esta en china, y en El Mundo, y LA Calidad es la primera.
Nuestros Ingenieros Técnicos de han prestado Servicios en Mas de 10 Países de Todo El Mundo, Principalmente :. India, Rusia, Pakistán, Nepal, Indonesia, Egipto, Argelia, México y Otros países Estamos familiarizados con los Procesos de Producción y madera de Varios Países. BESTA MÁQUINA eS Elegir Excelentes Proveedores de equipos y Socios profesionales. HEMOS estado en Este Negocio por Más de 20 años, sin HEMOS olvidado Nuestro Corazón, insistimos en la Calidad y la Tecnología y atendemos a Cada cliente con Cuidado. Para una Introducción Detallada, por favorecer contáctenos.
Bienvenido a contactarnos. HAREMOS Todo Lo Posible para ayudarlo.
Correo electrónico: info@bestachina.com angelzhou1224@gmail.com
Whatsapp: 0086 186 5710 6860
Lo mejor de la Máquina para Fabricar palitos de helado, Máquina para Fabricar cucharas para helados de madera, Máquina para Fabricar cucharas de madera desechables, Máquina para Marcar Las Cucharas de madera, Máquina para Fabricar tenedores de madera desechable, Máquina prensadora de Cucharas, empaquetadora , etc.


Одноразовая деревянная ложечка

BESTA MACHINE может предоставить одноразовую машину для производства деревянной ложки, машину для клеймления деревянной ложки, одноразовую машину для прессования деревянной вилки, машину для прессования ложки
Наша компания-BESTA MACHINE всегда настаивала на предоставлении клиентам высококачественных машин и услуг, 90% аксессуаров в дальнейшем обрабатываются нашей компанией.
Мы можем хорошо контролировать качество наших деталей и машинной обработки.
Мы постоянно обновляем и совершенствуем машину. В этой отрасли мы являемся самой авторитетной и влиятельной компанией.
Добро пожаловать к нам. Мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы помочь вам.
Электронная почта: info@bestachina.com angelzhou1224@gmail.com
WhatsApp: 0086 186 5710 6860
Контактное лицо: Ангел Чжоу
Мы являемся профессиональным производителем машин для мороженого, ледорубов для
Более 20 лет.
Мы приобрели богатый опыт в машиностроении, а также технологии изготовления деревянной ложки.
Для деревянной ложки существует множество размеров и форм на ваш выбор.
Q: Какой тип дерева мы можем использовать для изготовления деревянной ложки?
A: Первым выбором дерева является береза ​​или тополь. Вы также можете использовать другие породы, например,
Буковое дерево, сосна и т. Д. В некоторых странах также используется производство сосны.
Для дерева, если цвет может быть белым после варки и приготовления, это хорошо.
Для другого темного цвета, это также принято рынками.
Q: Сколько ложки мы можем сделать из 1 кубометра древесины?
A: Для деревянной плоской ложки типа 75 мм она может производить около 320 000 шт. На кубический метр.
Q: Сколько машин нам нужно, чтобы запустить эту линию?
Резак для дерева, резной резак, полировочный станок, паровой котел,
Вентилятор, теплообменник, шлифовальный станок с магнитным лезвием - ключ и необходимая машина для запуска